Latvian e-bike camper developer BeTriton raises €80K

Latvian mobility startup BeTriton has raised €80K in a crowdfunding campaign on the London-based Crowdcube platform. 150 investors participated in the campaign.

Founded in 2018 by Aigars Lauzis, BeTriton develops electric bicycle campers. The vehicle parts are printed from bioplastic on a large-format 3D printer. The startup has recently developed a DIY version of the product, which includes a trailer that combines a mini camper and an electric boat with the ability to connect an electric bicycle for land travel. Users can assemble the vehicle using a set of straightforward tools. In addition, BeTriton's team improved its product by installing a solar panel on the roof of the camper.

Earlier, the startup has received support from several organizations, including   Valmiera Business Incubator of the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA), the Estonian startup accelerator Salto Growth Camp, EIT Urban Mobility (an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), the New European Bauhaus (NEB) accelerator, Norwegian Grants, etc.

The company will use the investment to continue developing and manufacturing its products for rental and sale.

London-based and founded in 2010, Croudcube is an equity crowdfunding platform that allows people to invest in companies in exchange for shares. Co-CEO is Matt Cooper.
