Cyril Golub was elected the second term as a Chairman of LatBAN

Venture capitalist and co-founder of Lithuanian Business Angel Network (LitBAN) and Belarusian Angel Band Cyril Golub was elected the second term as a Chairman of the Latvian business angel network (LatBAN).

Last year LatBAN's management also joined Ansis Spridzans, Daumants Pabrieza, Pavel Zeigermaher, Voldemars Bredikis, and Daina Pečate. This year, new members, such as Viktors Pedčenko and Alina Prohorova, have arrived, instead of Voldemars Bredikis and Daina Pečate.

According to Cyril Golub, since June 2022, the new board management of LatBAN succeeded in partially restoring the role of an important player in the venture capital scene in the Baltic and Nordic region, increasing the number of participants by 36%, increasing last year's LatBAN budget by 68%, and already double the budget for 2023.

In addition to the positions listed above, Cyril Golub is a venture partner at Luxemburg-based fund BergTop.VC and an e-commerce sector expert at US PeakSpan Capital venture fund.

LatBAN was founded in April 2014. It helps business angels make investments throughout the Baltic and Nordic regions and offers training, advice, and co-investment opportunities. It has more than 44 members who have already invested more than €15,6M in startup companies.
